The Ultimate Guide to Growing Lentil Microgreens: Tips and Tricks

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lentils microgreens

Lentil microgreens are an amazing and nutritious addition to any meal. If you ever wondered what lentils taste like and are considering growing lentils They are highly nutritious, packed with vitamins and minerals, and have a delicious and unique taste that is a great source of plant-based protein and are an excellent way to get essential nutrients in a simple and tasty form. They are easy to grow, require minimal maintenance, and are incredibly versatile. Whether you’re looking for a healthy addition to salads or a new way to spice up a dish, lentil microgreens are worth a try! With their sweet and nutty flavor, they are sure to become a staple in your kitchen.

What are Lentils Microgreens?

Lentil microgreens are a type of sprout made from lentil seeds that have a unique taste and texture, setting them apart from other sprouts like alfalfa, mung beans, and sunflower sprouts. These crunchy and flavorful little greens are best eaten fresh and are highly perishable, so it’s recommended to consume them within 3-5 days of harvest. Lentils, the legume from which these microgreens are derived, are commonly grown in India and Southeast Asia.

Lentil microgreens are a popular food source in many cultures due to their high nutritional value and low cost. They are commonly used as a protein source in meals and are frequently made into dals in Indian cuisine. However, sprouting lentils can also be used to make delicious and nutritious microgreens. Lentils are easy to sprout at home and can be used as a garnish for many dishes. They are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamins B and C, folic acid, and protein content.

Nutritional Benefits

As mentioned above, sprouting lentils increases the levels of many vitamins and minerals. In particular, these include Vitamin B – Vitamin B is essential for energy metabolism and forming red blood cells. It is also important for maintaining healthy skin and hair and fighting stress. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects your cells from free radical damage. It is crucial for immune function and can help prevent colds and the flu.

Nitrogen – Nitrogen is essential for protein formation, and lentils are a great source of this nutrient. Protein is important for growth and repair and is needed to sustain life. It is present in every cell in your body and is necessary to build and repair tissues, produce hormones, and transport nutrients. Lentils also provide many other essential vitamins and minerals that form a nutritious and healthy addition to a meal.

How To Grow Lentil Microgreens

Growing lentil microgreens are easy to sprout and grow, and you can use any variety. They can be grown in a sprouting tray, a container, or even a paper towel. Sprouting requires only a few steps and is a great way to add a nutritious and flavourful garnish to many meals.

The first thing you will need is a container to sprout your lentils in. Make sure it has holes in the bottom for drainage and is airtight. You can use a sprouting tray or a mason jar. Whichever you choose, be sure to sterilize it first with boiling water, as this will help prevent contamination.

Next, add your lentils to the sprouting tray or jar. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly before sprouting. You will then want to soak the lentils for 6-8 hours. This will cause them to sprout and grow and will help them be more easily digested. After sprouting, be sure to rinse and drain the lentils regularly, as they can otherwise quickly become too wet and rot.

If you’re a visual person then the video below will explain how to grow lentil microgreens step by step:

Different Varieties of Lentil Microgreens

There are a variety of lentils that can be sprouted and grown as microgreens. The most popular types are Green lentils – These have a mild, earthy flavor and hold their shape well when cooked. They are best used in soups and stews and are an excellent choice for sprouting.

Puy lentils – These are a French variety of lentils that are smooth and round, and have a nutty and peppery flavor. They hold their shape well when cooked and are a classic choice for salads and garnishes.

Red lentils – These reddish-orange lentils are creamy and mild in flavor and are commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. They hold their shape well when cooked, and are a great choice for sprouting. You can use any variety of lentils to sprout, and they will all produce delicious microgreens with unique flavors.

When to Harvest Lentil Microgreens: 

  • Growth Stage: The best time to harvest lentil microgreens is when they are about 2-4 inches tall and have their first set of true leaves. This is typically between 7 to 14 days after planting, depending on the growing conditions. 
  • Appearance: The microgreens should have a vibrant green color, and the stems should be sturdy. 

Why Harvest at This Time: 

  • Nutritional Peak: Microgreens, including those of lentils, tend to have the highest concentration of nutrients just after the first true leaves appear. Harvesting at this stage ensures you’re getting the maximum health benefits. 
  • Flavor and Texture: At this stage, lentil microgreens offer the best balance of taste and texture. They are tender, slightly crunchy, and have a mild, earthy flavor. 
  • Plant Health: Harvesting prevents the plant from getting overcrowded or too leggy, which could compromise its health. Once they surpass their optimal harvest time, microgreens might become tougher and their flavor could change. 
  • Hygiene and Safety: Younger plants are less exposed to the environment and thus may have fewer contaminants compared to older ones. Harvesting them young minimizes the risk of consuming any potential pathogens. 

To harvest, you can use clean, sharp scissors or shears to cut the stems just above the soil line. After harvesting, it’s essential to wash your lentil microgreens to remove any remaining soil or seed husks and to ensure they are clean and safe to eat. 

Sprouting Lentils

How do I sprout lentils? Sprouting lentils is a simple process that you can do at home. All you need is a container to sprout them in, such as a sprouting tray or a mason jar. Be sure to sterilize it with boiling water, as this will help prevent contamination. Next, add your lentils to the sprouting tray or jar. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly before sprouting. Remember to soak the lentils for 6-8 hours.

How To Store Lentil Microgreens

As mentioned above, plants are perishable crops that should be eaten fresh and within a few days of harvest. Ideally, they should be eaten within 3 days of harvest. For best results, store them in a plastic bag in the fridge. This will help keep them fresh for longer and will prevent them from wilting and browning. Be sure to remove any dirt from the sprouts before storing them. If you won’t be able to use them before they go bad, you can freeze them. Again, be sure to remove any dirt and clean them thoroughly before freezing.

When freezing, they are best kept separate from other foods. This will prevent them from getting too soggy and will allow you to remove as many as you want at a time. Freezing them should keep them fresh for around 6 months, but the best way to be sure is to mark the date you freeze them on the package.

Creative ways to use lentil microgreens

Lentil microgreens are incredibly versatile and can be used in a number of ways. They are a tasty and healthy addition to many dishes, including salads, sandwiches, grains, soups, and curries. Be creative and try them with a variety of foods. They can also be used as a garnish on many dishes, and are a great way to add flavor and texture. One of the most common ways to use sprouts is on a sandwich. Sprouted lentils make a delicious topping on any sandwich and go well with many different flavors.

They also make a great garnish on many dishes and can be used as a topping on pizzas, salads, curries, and more. You can also use sprouts as a side dish. Try topping your grains or rice with lentils, or adding them to a stir-fry.

How to eat lentil microgreens

Here is a great way to get creative with microgreens.

Vegetarian tacos with sprouted lentils – This recipe is a great way to use lentils microgreens in a delicious taco salad.

Lentil sprout salad – It is a tasty and healthy way to get lots of nutrients.

Tips For Buying

While sprouting any variety of lentils will make delicious and nutritious microgreens, some varieties are better than others. lentils are a great choice if you can find them, if not you can definitely find lentil microgreen seeds online as they have a mild flavor that works well in most dishes. As they are larger, they can also be used as a garnish, like a sprig of microgreens.

Puy lentils are also a good choice, as they have a strong flavor and hold their shape well when cooked. When buying sprouts, make sure they are fresh, clean, and free of dirt. Avoid buying sprouts that are wilted or have a foul smell. Dry and crunchy sprouts are a sign that they have been sprouted for too long and that their flavor and texture will be unappealing. Sprouts should be moist and clean, with no signs of rotting or mold.